Eivør – Í Tokuni

Eivør – Í Tokuni

There is something unexplainable about the allure of discovering something new. The experience provides an undeniable thrill that is very real and revelatory.

For the aurally adventurous, there is nothing quite like being excited by an artist who was previously unknown. It is the emotional equivalent of sightseeing in a new country for the first time.

The music of Eivør Pálsdóttir is likely unknown to most people in North America and most would struggle to locate the singer’s native Faroe Islands on a map. But both are beautifully evident in the song, Í Tokuni, which many will find magical and mysterious.

Located roughly halfway between Iceland and Norway, the Faroe Islands is a self-governing nation within the Kingdom of Denmark and it is where Eivør puts her distinctive voice to work. Her music is hauntingly hypnotic in its ability to create an atmosphere that is absolutely mesmerizing. The song’s dynamics – the catchy keyboards, the banshee-like quality of its chorus – are matched by the choreographic connection between her stylized performance and its sinister but seductive tone.

Eivør has an otherworldly quality that is very pure and pleasing. For further proof of her powerful talent, check out the vocal acrobatics evident in her performance of Trøllabundin during an outdoor concert at a mountain farm in the fjords of Norway. It is utterly breathtaking.

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